Beautiful Chaos picks up after Lena claimed herself near the end of Beautiful Darkness. Once again Ethan Wate serves as our observant, thoughtful narrator. He leads us through a Gatlin, South Carolina that is suffering from what would seem like apocalyptic-like plagues. There's been no rain, the heat is relentless even in the winter, and there is an influx of lubbers (icky swarms of grasshoppers). The imbalance in the Caster World has resulted in problems in the mortal world as well. Obviously, Link's mom is convinced this is the end of days and is leading the charge of Gatlin-ites who believe God is punishing their town.
Ethan is haunted by another melody. This time, it warns him of the Eighteenth Moon and the "one who is two". Immediately he believes Lena is the one who is two because of her light and dark characteristics. But, once John Breed resurfaces Link and the others begin to believe he is the "one who is two" because of his status as both Caster and Incubus. However, this turns out to be wrong as well. Abraham and his brood lurk around every turn making it so important for the mystery to be solved.
Amma knows who this person is, though. She knows that the "one who is two" can put things right for everyone. But, she also knows the cost. She is prepared to pay this herself in order to protect those she loves.
Amma is not the only one forced to face dire consequences in Beautiful Chaos. Marian is forced to face the Council of the Far Keep. This a frightening group of mostly Dark Casters who maintain order. Marian, as a Keeper, must face them because in their opinion, she did not remain neutral in Caster affairs. Liv's involvement in this causes her great sadness, as her family has disowned her, and Marian is all she has left. Surprisingly, an unlikely hero comes to Marian's aid.
This is how I picture Boo Radley |
On the very last page of the book there are two words "Nineteen Moons-". This caused me to search the web in hopes of finding confirmation of a fourth book. And, luckily I found it! The fourth book will be available in the fall of 2012 (check out the official proclamation). I don't know if I can wait. I am considering making Uncle Abner a pie to try to negotiate an ARC of this book. Not kidding.
If you have not read these books, it's probably not too late to request them from Santa. But, there's a great price on the boxed set from Amazon. Don't forget to add "Dream Dark" in ebook format also. Check out my reviews of Beautiful Creatures and Beautiful Darkness and "Dream Dark." The official website for the series has lots of great features, like a page with a collection of videos about the books. Check it out.